A review by hypnoticx
Claw Marks & Card Games by Maz Maddox


Wow i feel foolish, i kept pushing this book off because i just didn't think would enjoy it as much as the first... That was a mistake, i loved this book even more! I fell in love with Cooper and Gunner instantly.

Theres an interesting plot with lots of character development and world building throughout, get to see more of Stallion ridge which i adored. I loved learning about and seeing more of the various species in this world, it was interesting.

Gunner and Coopers relationship shined for me from start to finish, they have stunning chemistry and i love their dynamic. How they first met, the banter and the flirting was so much fun. Challenging each other and Gunner taking the lead, which Cooper really needed at times while also allowing him to kickass himself too.

I don't want to reveal too much, so im not mentioning a lot of the subplot as i think worth reading and is so much fun to see revealed. Oh i must mention Scarlet though because damn i fall in love with him more every time, he is so entertaining.

Oh of course Marybell is incredible! She is cheeky, brave and full of mischief i find her so adorable. She steals the show in her scenes and makes me smile every time.

A few fave scenes involve bites, paintings, dancing and of course a game of poker because do love a gamble.

Overall i just loved this story and their romance so much, its a fun journey with amazing characters and so much world buidling. Definitely worth a read!

Although i am dropping the rest of the series, due to a certain peak at the next book from end here which yeah... I am hurt. Maybe i will feel like picking it up again, when it doesn't make me sad. Make me fall in love with a character just to break my heart like that and Cody, hasn't he gone through enough! He is too sweet.. I am weak, so for now its a nope to the next book.