A review by astheplotthickens24
Unfiltered: No Shame, No Regrets, Just Me. by Lily Collins


"Be you and embrace your differences as things that make you unique and special. “Different” shouldn’t be considered confusing, negative, or something that divides us. It should be a quality we applaud and admire within ourselves and others."

I love Lily Collins so damn much, even before she started writing this book.
She was such an inspiration for teenagers like me. Long before I started reading books and finding an escape route to the fictional world, I grew up thinking that girls on the cover of Vogue magazines were born perfect, no necessary enhancements required but I know better now.
LJC wrote a lot of her past experiences in this book. Starting from her insecurities, former relationships, addiction, eating disorder, rejections and up to her journey to finding and discovering her self worth. It was refreshing to know that even the great Lily Collins battled the thing that current teenagers are now facing. She made me realize that it doesn't matter how much I eat as long as I'm happy with myself, I should never give a fuck about what others would say.

I noticed Lily's sudden weight loss but it never occurred to me that the reason behind it was because she was not feeling good about herself. I mean, I thought she was perfect and I never wanted to change anything about her but it was clearly not the same for her. I guess we all ruin ourselves for aiming towards perfection. I am so glad that Lily wrote this book, I was on the brink of having an eating disorder, I don't eat as much as I ought to, I feel insecure about myself, I walk the hallways looking down because I thought I wasn't pretty enough. This book saved my life, thank you Lily.

All I could say is that if I love Lily Collins before. Then, I basically worship her now.
