A review by tracybanghart
Blood Crown by Ali Archer



This book is amazing!!!

Full review to come when I can think straight. Holy cow!


Honestly, this book blew me away. From the very first chapter I was HOOKED. This is one of those stories where everything just works. Amazing characters, detailed world-building, fast-paced plot, high stakes for our heroine...it's all there. And then some.

The characters are fully drawn and interesting, particularly Serantha, who's one of the most compelling female heroines I've read in a long time. She has an amazing combination of strength and vulnerability, and her voice pulled me right into her head. I love how she had her own unique perspective on her world...and watching that change as she learns her rightful place was a joy. It is impossible not to root for her. And when you meet Nicolai...well, swoon. ::fans self::

The world-building is fantastic - I was SO impressed with the way the science and technology of the world was woven so tightly with the plot and even the characters' personalities. Everything felt so organic to the story; my absolute favorite novels are the ones where each element, from plot to setting to characterization, is so intrinsic to the others that it's impossible to tell what came first in the author's mind. Ali did an amazing job of presenting her tech in such a natural, unobtrusive way that the story NEVER slowed down for explanations or felt confusing. Truly, the world-building was flawless. I want to take a writing class from Ali on world-building, just to learn her secrets. It's THAT good.

The action...well, it pretty much never lets up. But the story doesn't feel rushed; there are enough introspective moments to give you time to process all the CRAZY STUFF going on.

Blood Crown blew my already high expectations out of the water. The gorgeous writing and harrowing storyline ripped out my heart a piece at a time, and then put it back together with marvelously compelling characters and an intense, satisfying conclusion.

Seriously. I could go on and on. But you need to experience the awesomeness for yourself. Pick up a copy when Blood Crown releases on February 28th. You won't regret it.