A review by hm08
Speech Police: The Global Struggle to Govern the Internet by David Kaye


This was a quick overview on the issues we face today governing speech on social media platforms. The proliferation of American social media giants like Facebook and Twitter have led to the rise of a new type of "government" - it's interesting to see what kinds of issues have arisen with respect to the regulation of online speech and human rights on a global scale.

For how short this audiobook was, I appreciated the breadth of issues covered and the concise manner in which they were presented. The author does not claim to have found the cure-all to all these challenges to policing speech, but he certainly raised a variety of important questions and factors for consideration.

Coming from a place of being someone with legal training, I was admittedly a tad bit uncomfortable with Kaye's suggestion of relying on more creative forms of regulation and governance. It's almost a reflex of mine to dismiss extralegal measures and soft law as being merely perfunctory. Nevertheless, by the very end of the book, I was more convinced that the approach to seeking to balance freedom of expression and protection against harmful speech has to be a multi-pronged one integrating both traditional and non-traditional stakeholders.

This is my first time listening to a work of this author - I would definitely be looking up more of them.