A review by sc104906
The Brilliant Light of Amber Sunrise by Matthew Crow


Francis is entering the British equivalent of senior year, but is having trouble staying awake. After visiting the doctor, he is diagnosed with Leukemia. Francis is moved into the hospital to begin treatments and his whole family is affected by the disease. His stoic mother is shaken throughout the process and his brother tries to keep a brave face.

While in the hospital, Francis meets his first true friend/girlfriend, Amber. Both come from very different backgrounds, Amber’s hippy mother and capitalistic mother create an interesting yin/yang support system. The two teens strike up a strong bond. However, Francis seems to be getting better, but Amber still has a hard battle before her.

This book presents love and loss with a funny twist. Readers are laughing while also crying. I really liked this novel. Sensitive Francis vs. prickly Amber, is a great combination.