A review by sherpawhale
Batman: Detective Comics, Vol. 1: Rise of the Batmen by James Tynion IV


Hugely Not A Fan of Tynion's writing style. I liked him back when he was writing the Batman backups. And even then I didn't like 100% of them.

here, everything is on display about what I don't like about his writing. Actually in a way I guess I ought to like him, just because this makes me hungry to start writing a comic myself and figure out what I would do instead. Is that a failure of a comic? Maybe not. But I certainly don't think that that's a success.

Tynion in writes in such an aggravating manner to me. He has Tim, and this is, aside from a story about Kate, a story about Tim, and it seems that we never get to see him actually make his wonderful tech that can do super duper amazing things like a bat train system that can go so much faster than their normal vehicles, or super bat computer, or a mudroom that doubles as like the Sentinel program from X-Men. there's a technical term for it on TV Tropes, but essentially it's that all of the problems the little ones have already been solved because someone came up with some genius way of proving their intellect, but we never actually give see that intellect on display. All the problems are already solved for us. There's no real sense of drama, or meaning. there's no real deep impact no sense of dread. it's all just pre solved, and I hate it.

now, I would really like Kate's story, if it was just about her trying to be a leader here. except there was some gross mischaracterization of her father, who is suddenly in an about-face made into a villain in yet another weak attempt at impact. None of this is earned in the slightest! We should actually care that Kate's father has suddenly decided to become a fascist in the visage of Batman. to get from where he had been before, a loving father who was certainly nowhere near capable of becoming they had of some government program designed to emulate Batman's prowess, to this, I feel like it would take 60 to 100 single issues. Not two or three issues before it's revealed who he is. it's just awful garbage and while I was glad to see more backstory of Kate and Bruce as cousins, because I'm 100% down to see more Gotham backstory in history laid, especially between the two, this sucked.

points for bringing Renee Montoya in for a couple pages though, I miss her.