A review by jigsawgirl
The Darcy Brothers: A Complete Series Box Set by Alix Nichols


1. Find You In Paris
I thought this was going to be the typical fake marriage of convenience, fall in love, and end with a HEA. 

This book had a slight twist. There was a little mystery, suspense, and intrigue. My initial thoughts about Sebastian changed over time. Diane was not my favorite person, but she grew on me after some time. 

I can also envision a story about both of the other "Darcy" brothers. What is the mystery behind Noah never making an appearance? What is the backstory regarding Raphael and the girl at the party? Will the secret ever come to light?

This was not a cliffhanger. The author provided enough questions and detail for a few additional books. I received this book as an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

2. Raphael's Fling
I really enjoyed this book, and was very pleasantly surprised. Mia, had a fling with Raphael, the CEO of the company where she was employed. That is the bare bones of the book.

This book was so much more. There were unexpected twists and turns. There were surprising layers to Raphael. You got to experience the full gambit of Mia's emotions while she worked through her relationships with Raphael and her parents. Eva had a great relationship with her sister and a solid relationship with her parents, although she didn't quite believe it.

I liked Mia and Raphael. I liked that they liked each other. Their conversations were humorous. Their chemistry was great. I would definitely recommend this book.

I voluntarily read and reviewed this Advanced Reader Copy.

3. The Perfect Catch
I was able to read this book in one sitting. This book was interesting. Noah and Sophie were attracted to each other, and seemed to have this underlying heat between them. Almost like it was on simmer, ready to book over. They were cute together, slightly hesitant and a tad vulnerable.

There were a couple of unexpected twists. I wish we could have experienced the conversation Sophie had with her father, that I imagine was similar to the one Noah had with his father.

The Perfect Catch started out a little slow for me, but then picked up a bit. This is the third in the series. My favorite is still number two, Raphael's Fling.

I voluntarily read and reviewed this Advanced Reader Copy.