A review by natishaj
Identity by Nora Roberts


"He didn’t slide out of affection into love, didn’t slip from attraction into forever, but fell long and hard. No safety system could have stopped the fall"
“The love just snuck up on me, little moments by little moments.”
“When you love someone, and love him hard, and you’re ready for him, you go after him. If he doesn’t love you back, and love you hard, if he’s not ready for you , that’s his loss. Love’s brave, Morgan. Love stands up."

This is why Nora Roberts is the amazing writer that she is. Yes, this is a thriller but she always weaves in a thread of hope, happiness, despite the darkness that shadows the FMC and it is this thread that keeps me picking up every book that she writes without fail. 

Morgan has her path mapped out, work multiple jobs to pay for her house and so that she can one day buy the bar of her dreams. Until she meets Luke who steals her identity and destroys everything she has worked so hard for. She is forced to move in with her mother and begins to rebuild her life, putting it all behind her. But is it really over?

This is another novel wherein we are aware of who the bad guy is, from the start and we are exposed to his loss of control as the story progresses. It's well done and I enjoyed it, utterly flying though the story, but I can't help but miss Nora's earlier novels where we weren't really sure who we could trust until the last possible minute.  Miles is the typical grumpy male character but it was interesting and refreshing that the dance between him and Morgan wasn't dragged out a little longer.  I loved how as usual, Nora's females are always front and centre, with strong relationships supporting them throughout, adding that more feeling and beauty to a usually gritty tale. 

Pick this up for an interesting and quick read with just the right amount of romance and witty banter. Oh, did I mention that there's a dog?