A review by magikspells
Inferno by Dan Brown


Lets be honest. I wanted to like this book. I wanted to love it. I just came off [b:The Lost Symbol|6411961|The Lost Symbol (Robert Langdon, #3)|Dan Brown|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1358274396s/6411961.jpg|6600281] which I adored. But I'm not sure I totally bought this story. My main problem was that I think Dan Brown tried to do something very different with this story. This is a risky move on the 4th book of a series, throwing us a curveball is very confusing.

This book starts off with our lovely Robert Langdon waking up from a coma with no memories after being shot. Essentially, the story takes place in reverse, with Robert being forced to retrace steps that he'd already taken the previous day in trying to solve a mystery relating to Dante's Divine Comedy. This backward retracing works with some stories, I'm not sure it works here. At times it felt very repetitive, even if I didn't see Robert go to the museum the first time or solve the puzzle the first time, it feels redundant knowing that he's essentially doing all this work twice.

All the while there is this group, the Consortium, who are a shady group who has been financing a scientist who is adamantly supportive of Malthusian population catastrophe, appears to be trying to hunt down Langdon. Still with me?

So far, we have The Divine Comedy, Malthusian Population catastrophe, privately contracted corporations with hitmen, the World Health Organization, and an anesthetized Robert. This book is not for the faint of heart, obviously.

But to complicate matters, then we start throwing in the fact that this scientist could have created a super virus to wipe out part of the population. I'm out of breath trying to remember everything.

Dan Brown tried to tackle too much in this book. There were too many things going on. And I really just disliked Sienna. This book was well written, it just wasn't what I wanted with Robert Langdon.