A review by mehsi
Soul Eater, Vol. 01 by Atsushi Ohkubo


4.5 stars.

I have been interested in this manga and also anime for a long time. My boyfriend loves it, and I heard other people also say it was a good series.

After reading volume 1 I can honestly say I am looking forward even more to the series. There are 3 meister/weapon couples that get the spotlight. Maka and Soul, Black*Star and Tsubaki and Death the Kid with the Thompson sisters.
Of course we got a whole bunch of wacky characters like Shinigami, Maka's dad, Blair, Stein, and so many more. It makes for a very colourful cast and it makes the story really come to life.

The first volume mostly introduces us to the couples, shows us their quirks and personality, and at the end they get together (well at least Soul/Maka and Black*Star and Tsubaki, because Death is once again distracted by something that might not be symmetrical.

My favourite couple? Maka and Soul. They are really quite a pair and it is great fun to see them cooperate and argue about things. :)

The setting (school/battles/witches/souls) is a fun one, and the school (and also surroundings) are great fun. I mean, a school with candles? A sky with a laughing moon/sun? Yes, yes please!

The art style is something I really needed to get used to, at times it just looked weird or off, but after 2 chapters or so I got used to it and I am now loving it.

I will be sure to continue with this series, not sure if I will watch the anime first or just continue with the manga though.

Review first posted at http://twirlingbookprincess.com/