A review by bookitallaway
Ice Planet Barbarians by Ruby Dixon


Aliens. Human Abductions. Crash landing. Strange planet. More aliens but this time they are blue. Clueless blue alien finds confused human. Spice. He rescues her. Tons of spice. She convinces him to go back for other survivors. More spice. HEA. The end( with more spice following the next 9 books)

This is a very quick smut read and excellent palate cleanser. If you're looking for mindless smut with a smidgen of interesting plot, this is for you. It's wild and bizarre at times but I actually enjoyed reading this and read all the way up through book 9, although I will only be reviewing this one as the premise pretty much stays the same just a slightly different perspective but same world/crisis/trope/etc. It won't win any awards for quality writing, but if you want super spice, this book won't steer you wrong. You may finish the book wondering what the hell you just read, but you'll be relaxed, amused a bit flushed too at the end of it all.

Spice: 5/5
Plot: 3/5
Character Dev: N/A
Overall: 3/5