A review by amyiw
Dark Blood by Christine Feehan


1 1/2 and I don't say that lightly. At some points this was OK but others... I just didn't like. Mainly the over discriptions and continuations of action scenes, on and on, made this a very hard read. Here's the numbers at the end where, really, the book took a turn from a 2 star OK to a 1 star, I really don't like.
So the book is 432 pages, the end is 43 pages of a fight scene (yes one battle with really idiotic twists, these are not really big spoilers but still
Spoiler Attack frogs with serrated and venomous teeth, hell hounds with one or two heads, possessed Vamp/Werewolves, blue whale sized worms with yet again sharp pointy teeth and venom, dead lycan turn vicious porcupine... yes porcupine, where did she get that?... again with the teeth, evil mages with God like powers that decide for what, showing off sake, that they would do this ceremony to bring back the dead, in front of their enemies. It seemed to me they need some wolf sacrifices, then the Dark Blood for the reincarnate, yet they do this in the middle of Carpathian lands. Is this the stupidest evil mage ever or what. I get the Ego but... idiot.
And the porcupines, that is where I had to draw the line of endurance.

The last 96 pages of a 432 page book that I was already a bit annoyed with the droning and chants had, 43 pages of this, seemingly never ending battle. Probably took 10-15 minutes in real time but took me nearly an hour. An hour of reading one boring battle scene that timing was all off, had an idiotic God like mage, and the stupidest creatures. I kept drifting off and having to get my mind back.

So after the battle, interesting things happen, for 16 pages. Conclusions are made, confronting the Lycans, what about the Sange Rau, etc... And then we go to the next day and the 10 page sex floral, purple prose, sex scene, written old school.
The ground turned a sublet shade of red, her body was a magnet, drawing the magma that was at the very earth's core just as it sought to draw the seed from him. She whispered his name, a soft plea, and he took her over the edge, soaring with her, freefalling through space, while her muscles clamped down around him, milking him, surrounding him with her particular fire.
10 pages of this.

After looking at the numbers, I had to wonder, is this romance, action/war, or story based? Um, descriptive fantasy, with lots of repeats.

So what happened to the rest of those 96 pages you may say, that is if you are even interested after my drone and you have added the numbers. 43+16+10 leaves 30 pages... well we've got the appendixes again, two of them actually. First Carpathian healing chants, ARGG!!!! Well not completely, it describes the nomadic existence of Carpathians and how they came to the Kingdom of Hungary, right, hmmm... Hungary 1000 AD (or CE) and Dacia with Dacian and Thracian history from BC (BCE)... I would go with the former. Then after a quick explanation of why it is based in Hungarian, we get the dreaded chants. I believe most people just skip all this but I skimmed through. Then Appendix 2 is the history of the Carpathian language and grammar lessons, dictionary, etc...

So really the book is 405 pages here in the states (that deletes the appendix) and 15% of the ending just bored me to all end. There was a story in the 400 pages but it could have been 100... really, and 300 pages makes this book one I would never pick up again.