A review by a_reader_obsessed
Catch a Tiger by the Tail by Charlie Cochet


4.5 Stars

I’m not gonna lie. I have a real affinity for a gentle giant, and here, Ethan Hobbs is the epitome of that. He’s one of the most endearing characters in this series, and I absolutely loved everything about him.

Ethan is understandably frustrated and limited by his severe anxiety and selective mutism. Despite being an integral member of the Destructive Delta team, and hence a THIRDS agent, there are many concessions that need to be made for his issues. Good thing he has his best friend since childhood, Calvin, watching over and helping him. They love each other fiercely, but Ethan is encumbered with the fear that plagues him daily about all things, and has great difficulty expressing himself. His intolerance of change and worry of losing Calvin should things not work out between them, has always kept his feelings in check. However, new challenges and revelations arise, and Ethan knows he needs to progress and take the first step, or else possibly lose the best thing he has in his life. Actions speak louder than words and he proceeds to show Calvin just how much he’s willing to do for the one person he relies on and cherishes the most.

As always, Calvin is the patient, solid rock who’s unconditionally there for Ethan without question. It goes both ways though, as they’ve been through a lot of personal struggles and have always had the other to rely on. He wants Ethan to open up and make that next official move, and will literally wait forever for him to do so.

So yes, these two guys instinctively protect, handle, and cherish all things regarding the other. Every thought and action were extremely romantic IMO, and I just gobbled it up. To me this was slightly less smexy in comparison to main couple Dex and Sloane, but the fabulous group dynamics, the hilarity, and camaraderie were just as heartwarming, swoony sweet as all the past installments!