A review by libscote
A Clash of Steel: A Treasure Island Remix by C.B. Lee


Xiang has lived a sheltered life in a village, but she wants more. Her mother seems to live a life of her own choosing, so why can't she? Her mother seems determined to make her marry and live a safe life. Xiang meets Anh, who steals Xiang's pendant and discovers part of a treasure map to the lost treasure of Zheng Shi. Soon Anh's crew is racing others for the challenge of finding the treasure.

I liked this book enough. It's about someone coming out of their shell and discovering who they really are. I don't know the story of Treasure Island well enough to know how closely it sticks to the book. On it's own, I enjoyed it as a look at a pirate culture I don't know as well and a coming of age story.