A review by milliehawk
A Lady's Guide to Scandal by Sophie Irwin


Thank you, NetGalley and Penguin Publishing for granting me an advanced copy of this book!

As a newbie to Regency romance, I have yet to find an author who manages to combine beautiful writing with an engaging plotline and lovable characters. I am happy to say that Sophie Irwin has achieved all of this in 'A Lady's Guide to Scandal'. This novel tells the story of newly widowed Eliza and the unique financial position she has found herself in. With the help of her best friend and cousin, Magaret, Eliza navigates the freedom widowhood has brought her, in a new city where acquaintances new and old make unexpected impressions on Eliza.
With a few wonderfully unexpected plot twists and entertaining side characters, we follow Eliza's journey to finding herself and possibly her future.

If you love Bridgerton and reading exciting heartwarming historical romances, Sophie Irwin's newest release is definitely for you! I will definitely be reading anything else Irwin has published. A new auto buy author for me!