A review by cathiedalziel
The Blue Fox by Sjón


3.5 stars for a chilly fantasy story set in Icelandic folklore and countryside. A good short (115 pages) story. I love it when I'm introduced to new reads and new-to-me-authors.

This book is about about the intertwinedness (a new word I just made up but it fits) of life.

This is a tale of a hunter heading into the mountains to kill a blue fox.
It is also a story of a Down's Syndrome girl who is taken in by a naturalist farmer because in the 19th century it was a death sentence to be born with Downs Syndrome. These two stories meet at the end, along with some magical realism thrown in during the third section, and a nice wicked twist of fate, as revealed by the ending.

This is an incredibly fast read and a interesting story, told in an Icelandic setting between January 8th and March 23rd, 1883. Don't let the 19th century dates put you off; it's downright creepy in the end.

This wouldn't have ever been on my reading radar, I don't think, but I received it in a PageHabit Quarterly box last year. Image result for page habit quarterly
(You can visit their webpage here: https://pagehabit.com/quarterly/literary-fiction-book-boxes.
The books they choose to send have always been interesting.)

If you are looking for something new to pick up to read, I would recommend this short tale to anyone who likes fantasy folklore.