A review by mackle13
Courting Magic by Stephanie Burgis


A Kat, Incorrigible novella, it picks up the story 5 years after the last book, with Kat now being 18 and having her debut - much to her chagrin.

But, of course, the story being what it is, at her first ball she's also on a Guardian mission with three other Guardians, including Alexander, he of the
Spoilerfleeting kiss

It was nice to see Kat still being Kat, but a bit older and wiser and able to hold her tongue a bit more. (Though, honestly, her family would drive me batty, too.)

There's a lot about the romance in this story, but it was well balanced with the case. Kat would often find her thoughts straying, and then mentally shake herself to stop with the nonsense and focus.

It was the perfect length of story. It was long enough that it didn't feel rushed, but a longer story would've either fleshed things out more - which could've been good - or just dragged things out more - which would've been bad. As is, it works nicely as wrapping up some threads lefts from the last book, and showing us the woman Kat might grow into.

(As a side note, though, I don't like the cover. It doesn't fit with the drawn versions of the rest of the series, and is too generic.)


The author said she might write more novellas in Kat's world, and I really hope she does. While on one hand the story is in a good place to end, on the other hand I always enjoy a quick romp with Kat, and look forward to their being more to come.