A review by seedsofsunflowers
Beg, Steal and Borrow: Artists Against Originality by Robert Shore

Did not finish book. Stopped at 52%.
I really wanted to like this book. Though there are some interesting points, new ideas, and some good examples, the author throws out new art history / people references every paragraph, and delivers it all pompously. I had it in mind to push through and finish the book anyway, but threw hands halfway through upon this:

The German philosopher and art historian Mercedes Bunz makes a joke about the Digital Age phenomenon of ‘oversharing’. She then asks whether the new sharing economy will turn us into a rental society (because the younger generation won’t be able to afford to own housing outright) or, more radically, help us to escape market forces altogether. Personally, I don’t care. I’m interested in the implications of this new economy for art-making,

Like wow I didn’t realize a book about art and society would, get this, tie an idea back to art and society! There’s no need to be so callous about “not caring” for the future’s possibilities and potential suffering of “the younger generation”. This whole book so far has read very buzzword-y and know-it-all, and this was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

You may enjoy if you are knowledgeable in art history and are less sensitive about the tone in which the author delivers everything.