A review by katyanaish
Blood Bound by Harper Wylde



I'm bailing, honestly...at the 90% mark, but I just don't like where it's going, don't want the inevitable cliffhanger, because I'm just not going to read the next book.

I feel like things with the mates are drawn out in a ridiculously melodramatic way. We are told she needs mates to anchor her so she doesn't die, basically. But two of these guys are being emo and ridiculous. Like, they want her, they don't, they definitely don't want to talk about it, then they act like whiny bitches to go be alone with their feelings.

I don't like that the relationships are one-sided, with her putting in all the effort chasing after or mooning over lame douches. I don't like that whenever they finally decide they want her, she'll happily accept with open arms (and legs) and zero work on their part.

I don't like that we have more men coming in before I even know the first four, and it just seems like a confusing clusterfuck. There are at least 6 now. Maybe 8. But only one bond actually keeping her safe, because everyone else is a moron.

I don't like that she's excluded from all conversations and decision making. I want my FMC to have some goddamn equal say.

I don't like that they all honestly seem utterly dumb. There are obvious connections from the first book still dangling - like, she was looking at pictures in her (adopted) father's study, and the one of her father and his brother... the brother, she thinks, looks oddly like the bio dad she kind of remembers.

Um, duh?

Axel overheard a convo in book 1 with a dude that was deeply concerned about Lorn's safety before the solstice. They are now desperately searching for info, and he doesn't mention this?

Double duh.

They walk into obvious traps. Got obviously tagged by a tracking spell they still haven't realized is on them. Lorn blunders out of the warded safe area repeatedly. And again, when she is getting sucked into the veil - yeah, the veil she was told she needs mates to help anchor her for safety within - still no mate bonds. So much stupid. I just can't even anymore.