A review by melissasbookshelf
The End and Other Beginnings: Stories from the Future by Veronica Roth


Meh, not worth the read unless you want to read two obscure novellas from the Carve The Mark world. The problem with Veronica Roth is that she tries too hard to appease the woke police. Once she decides to just tell the story without tons of swearing and inserting her stereotypical moralizing at every turn, she writes a decent story. The other problem with these stories is that there is no coherent cohesive thread other than "future!" Most anthologies I enjoy reading have a common thread that is woven throughout the stories, whether it is an object or character, etc. The reader just gets intrigued by a world when they are abruptly pushed into a new story and new world. I liked the Divergent series and wish she would stop trying so hard and return to the way she wrote before.