A review by somewheregirl7
The Higher Power of Lucky by Susan Patron


I've heard good things about this book and it's an award winner after-all. It's also on the list of frequently banned books, all because the word scrotum appears in the first chapter.

The descriptions were very good and vivid, the dialogue decent. The author did a good job of capturing Lucky's thoughts and putting the reader into the head of a young girl. The overall plot and pace were a bit slow and didn't hold my interest for long, however. This feels like a book that is trying to be deep but just doesn't quite get there. Also, the fact that two of the main characters have such non-standard names as Lucky and Lincoln is a bit distracting. I don't know why so many authors feel the need to give their characters bizarre or odd first names. The character should stick in your mind because they are so well written and fascinating, not because they have a weird name. Overall I was disappointed with the book and won't be picking up the second one. It's not a bad book, just not what I look for in the books I read.