A review by kathydavie
The Seductive Charm of a Sexy Shifter by Julie Kenner


A prequel to the Superhero Central paranormal romance series (and part of the Time of Your Life series) with the focus on Maggie and Nicholas Goodman.

My Take
Not what I was expecting. Cute romance though. A cat has fallen in love with her human and , in true fairy tale fashion, is granted a week in which to get her human to tell her he loves her. Between twilight and dawn she transforms into a sexy woman working her feline wiles on her love, and during the day, this kitten tortures his fiancée.

Sweet and endearing and without the punch of Kenner's usual style.

The Story
Straight-laced Nicholas Goodman's life was going just fine. All the aspects of his life were tucked neatly into nice little corners, just the way Nick liked it. Until he opened his door and found a completely naked, slightly befuddled, green-eyed beauty on his doorstep.

Maggie had found the man of her dreams — Nick Goodman. He was smart, sexy, and she knew he loved her. Maggie's only problem was ... well, she wasn't entirely human. But Maggie was determined, and through the power of love she was given a chance — and a lithe woman's body. She had one week to convince Nicholas to admit that he loved her. One week to prove that a guy like Nick could fall for "a girl like Maggie". One week to prove that a cat's fancy could be the love of a lifetime.

The Characters
Maggie isn't entirely human. In fact, she's a cat. Nick's cat.

Nicholas Goodman is a straight-laced hotshot attorney who is engaged to a client's cold-blooded daughter, Angela. Deena is Nick's artist sister. Hoop is his best friend and Angela hates him.