A review by derbereh
Rain by Amanda Sun


I was very much looking forward to this book, seeing as I enjoyed Ink so much. I enjoyed reading this book overall. I thought it flowed very nicely, but at times I felt that there was something missing - I still can't figure out exactly what that is.
As with Ink, this book gave a wonderful insight into a foreign culture - especially as a complete outsider like Katie. I liked how real her struggles not to make a cultural faux pas were.
I would have liked to have seen more of Yuki and Tanaka, because I absolutely adore them, especially Yuki's little chats with Tomo...
I was actually quite annoyed with Tomohiro throughout this book, what with his constant angst and all that. In the middle I really found myself preferring a certain other person to him, until That Thing That Happens at the end.
And oh my god, it never ceases to amaze me what these American teenagers get away with in books, even in other countries. Diane lets Katie away with absolutely everything.
I'm just going to say this: Shiori. Oh my god. What.
Anyway, this was a nice book that got me through a particularly boring morning of babysitting. I am very intrigued to find out what happens next.