A review by bookpanther
Acts of Treason by Harry F. Rey


Rating: 2 stars

Acts of Treason is the second book of The Line of Succession series. It's a super quick read, and can be, I think, enjoyed to some degree. There's a slight improvement from the first book in terms of dialogue (which was quite awkward to be honest), but the characters still remained shallow and perplexing. I could see Rey was trying to add more depth and nuance to these characters, but I think the large amount of PoVs really hindered the success of that. There were also many times where the logic/reasoning did not make any sense to me, and I ended up having to just ignore it completely and move on. On a positive note, I did enjoy all the shit that was going down and am interested in seeing how things play out.

I really do like this author, but this series, for me, didn't really hit the same bar that his Galactic Captains series did. Rey does seem to improve with each book though, so I still have some hope for the next one.