A review by karlyo83
Her Watchful Eye by Julie Corbin


My Rating: 5⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ had a bit of everything, bit niche and unique really enjoyable!!!

Do you ever look around, sure that someone is watching you, or standing too close only to be mistaken - shake off the feeling and keep moving with your day??

Someone is watching Hannah though… watching her every move, making sure shes safe, it’s her job isn’t it??

Ruby is a CCTV operative, she could get sacked or jailed for her misuse of the system… but she needs to keep an eye on Hannah… she isn’t harming her… shes not going to approach her… yet! What happens when watching isn’t enough?

Boy oh Boy did I ever need a 5 star after that last stanktastic book I read. AND once again I need to thank my good friend GirlWithThePinkSkiMask for coming through with her‘soft banger alert’ that she issued and confirm that indeed it was a fantastic book.

This isn’t going to be for everyone, although I really think it should be.. but if you are after the Fast and Furious action packed thriller then perhaps this one won’t be for you.

I was completely immersed in this story and once again I finally found a good book and devoured it in a few days… so now I am back to not having picked another book… but that is another me issue.

The writing was fantastic, I loved the short sentences, the chapters were a little long in some sections but that was fine because I couldn’t stop reading it anyway. I loved that we were drip fed the story, not everything was spelt out for the reader, I did not have my figurative hand held and I enjoy that. I like to find out what is going to unfold. Especially since this was a bit of a slow burn you had to wait and be patient to find out the ins and outs of the story. I really enjoyed that….

It was told from multiple POVs and I as you I know I am sucker for that but if you need the heading of who is who at the top you aren’t going to get that… it is super simple to figure it out so if you get confused then I don’t know what to tell you… just keep reading cause it will become apparent who is who very quickly.

I really liked all the main characters even though they were all flawed and had some questionable behaviour along the way. Ruby’s story broke my heart, and Lennie was a fantastic friend all the way throughout what a great guy he was with no ill intentions just being a good best mate I found that really humbling and such a nice change of pace. None of this oh hey sure I’ll be your bestie but you gotta give me a bit of somethin’ somethin’ on the side… no way he was true salt of the earth.

Hannah is damaged and in need of … well I don’t want to give the story away but she needs what she needs and she is young and doing various dangerous things to try and get that ‘high’ she needs to fill a void… much like Ruby… who is playing with fire on the CCTV but she cannot stop…

This was really unique, the use of CCTV was something I haven’t read before and from what I understand from the authors note she did real research into the process and how much that CCTV operators actually do which I thought added a really great touch of realism. The story is set in Edinburgh, Scotland - so it was nice to have a story set in a different part of the world. It wasn’t super apparent that this was Scottish but I did enjoy the different style the author used.

As mentioned earlier this one wont be for everyone - so if you are looking for lots of action, kills and spills then you wont find it here. There is action but its soft action… there is tension that builds and you find yourself thinking back to the prologue as the story unfolds and I was going to myself omg… who was that about… you do find out but its slowly slowly but lots is definitely happening.

I made assumptions and was pleasantly surprised with twists and turns I was completely engaged and I will be checking out the authors other work.

Overall - would I recommend - YES But, with the caveat of the above “might not be for everyone” warning. But there is no harm in trying something new and the writing is truly top shelf so yes I would recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. Again thank you to Pink for the great recommendation you truly never steer me wrong