A review by energyrae
The Fallen in Soura Heights by Amanda Jaeger


Wow, what an atmospheric novel! Jaeger has done a superb job of creating this town with an atmosphere that, while things appear as if everything is all right in the world, most certainly isn’t. And I loved that while you got this bad feeling while reading, you couldn’t quite pin down where that feeling would lead you. Then clues started dropping, and you suspected some things were at play, but the slow unfolding let you know you didn’t fully understand what was going on.

Fae is the ultimate weak, but not weak, heroine. I found myself screaming at her to wake up, look around her, and stop letting people control her. This poor girl, if she didn’t have Frankie leading her by the hand to navigate life, I would have stepped in and done it myself. Jaeger wrote her character, and Frankie’s very well. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Louise, whose ramblings were well thought out. Everything from the punny shop names to the small details is incredibly satisfying. What an enjoyable read!