A review by lynseyisreading
Better Homes and Hauntings by Molly Harper


Hopefully, like me, you're already familiar with Molly Harper's special brand of humour, supernatural awesomeness and romantical epicness having read her Naked Werewolf series and/or her Jane Jameson series - both of which are fabulous and not to be missed! Here in Better Homes and Hauntings Harper brings us a tale with all of those same ingredients, although this time I found her heroine to be quite different. Harper's prior leading ladies have all been very snarky, sassy and fun, but this time Nina was more reserved, quiet and even a little unsure of herself - but still fun! The reason for her being this way was explained fully in her back story, which I won't spoil for you other than to say you will be incredibly indignant on her behalf when you read it!

Despite this slight change from the normal formula, I really enjoyed Nina's character. I also found the love interest to be much changed from Harper's normal style. Gone is the fierce and protective werewolf alpha male, and gone is the suave and sophisticated yet domineering vampire master, and in their place is billionaire techno-nerd Deacon Whitney. Or perhaps techno-geek is a better word... Which word best describes someone with incredible intelligence but hugely lacking social skills? Whichever it is, that is what he was, and he was delicious!

The story centers around the renovation of an old and supposedly haunted estate on Whitney island. The legend of the ghosts of Whitney Island have been passed from generation to generation in the Whitney family, and because of the rumours of a curse and the family's subsequent lack of good fortune, it's been many decades since any member has had the funds to renovate the old house and restore it to its former glory. Deacon Whitney, with his social networking millions and youthful exuberance, is just the man for the job. And hired to be his landscaper is Nina Linden. Nina is trying to build a business and thinks the Whitney island project will be the one to set her on the map. No sooner does she set foot on the island, however, than ghostly sightings and mysterious happenings start occurring.

With an abundance of flashbacks, dream sequences and an enticing budding romance, readers will be turning pages faster you can say, "wooooooo!" with this one.

4 Stars ★★★★
A copy of this book was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.