A review by yetilibrary
Creepy Susie: And 13 Other Tragic Tales for Troubled Children by Angus Oblong


It's not good, but it's not terrible. (By "it's not terrible," I mean I liked a couple of things, was bored by some things, and will try to repress having ever read some other things.)

-Would you or others describe your sense of humor as "wrong"?
-Do you think ALL of Adult Swim's original shows have something good about them, in terms of plot, storytelling, and dialogue?
-Did you/do you enjoy the comic strip "Red Meat"?
-Are you cool with a couple of dead animal jokes?

If you answered "yes" to all of these questions, then you will enjoy this book. I am going to send my copy to a friend who fits the bill, and I think he will ADORE this book.

NOTA BENE: If you're a fan of the cartoon show "The Oblongs," you'll recognize some of these characters. Caveat Lector! This is NOT "The Oblongs"! These are NOT the same characters as those on the show, despite the similar/same name and appearance! NO NO NO NO NO! "The Oblongs" treats its weird characters with at least some measure of fondness. That is entirely absent here, as is almost all political commentary, and anything else you loved about the show. Do not pick up this book because you miss "The Oblongs." Only read it if you fit the above-listed criteria.