A review by alliepeduto
Steeped in Suspicion by Eryn Scott


This was cute, if not particularly riveting. I’m not the biggest fan of cozies (too twee maybe?) but I was tickled enough by the title to give it a go. Plus, it’s a fun premise, similar enough to my current favorite TV show Ghosts that it was worth the pick up.

I admit that I really love Asher and I’m almost curious enough to pick up the next in the series to learn more about his background, but I was irked by Rosemary. She came across as very childish, and while that’s understandable, I almost would have preferred her to slated as young adult rather than in her twenties. I would have been a lot more patient with her antics if she skewed younger, but in a way she never had the chance to be a “normal” teen so it could be why she acted as such.

I also realize I am probably over-analyzing a cozy, but that’s the issue with cozies: they rely heavily on likable characters and when you don’t like the main it makes it hard to continue the series. So maybe I’ll read the next, maybe I won’t, but I do recommend checking out the titles because they are divinely punny.