A review by nicolemhewitt
Ghost Girl by Ally Malinenko


This review and many more can be found on my blog: Feed Your Fiction Addiction

Ghost Girl is spooky MG horror with heart--not an easy combination to imagine, but it works beautifully in this book. Zee and her older sister are on their own since their mom died and their dad had to leave town to find work. The pressures of that situation are piling up, especially when Zee's nemesis starts spreading rumors about Zee, and her father. But when a new principal arrives, he wants to help, not just Zee, but everyone in town. He is a bit proponent of self-actualization and encourages everyone to visualize their deepest desires coming true. Somehow he seems to solve everyone's problems! Except, Zee isn't so sure she likes the results.

This book goes a lot deeper than the storyline would have you believe. Sure it's a creepy horror book filled with ghosts and demonic hounds, but it also explores family pressures, poverty, bullying, deep friendships and even, in a few small places, the patriarchy. Kids will be both entertained and enriched by this story!

NOTE: I listened to the audiobook version of this book, which was wonderfully narrated by Tara Sands.