A review by rheren
Truman by David McCullough


This was a good biography, it gave a good feel for the person, as well as for the significance of what he did and the context in which he lived. It does a good job of staying balanced and fair, admitting when he made mistakes and defending him for wise decisions even when they were widely panned at the time. As for him as a historical figure, I was interested to learn more about a president I knew little about. Unlike other recent biographies I have read, I don't feel as much admiration for him, I feel like I disagree with him about as much as I agree. However, I can appreciate that he made some very farsighted, wise decisions that we today can agree were vital to surviving the threat of communism and laying the groundwork for things like civil rights. I still find myself disagreeing with a lot of his progressive values, and find it curious that he couldn't see his own blindspots when it came to things like accusing others of corruption without noticing how his administration was as corrupt as any, and how he was elected by the power of mob bosses in dark, smoke-filled rooms. However, I come away most impressed by the down-home, midwestern character of the man, and that is as it should be. He was definitely a man of courage, good sense and fortitude. We need more of that in the country (and in the White House) these days.