A review by brinnet
Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming by Paul Hawken


This book contains one to two page summaries of solutions to climate change (from "eating a plant based diet" to "windmills" to "educating women") with carefully researched statistics and data. It also estimates how much CO2 would be removed from the atmosphere if these changes were adopted by a specific, reasonable number of people and ranks the solutions by the amount of CO2 they would remove. Among the statistics are the estimated costs of implementing the solutions.

I mean, wow, right?

The solutions go from the small scale, affordable (LED lights or reducing food waste) to the county-wide, super expensive (nuclear power), and with each discussion the feasibility and sometimes controversial nature, is discussed. Some solutions are meant to be transitional (landfill gasses) and some are for the long haul (solar).

I felt inspired, excited, and hopeful, which is a delightful change from so much other climate change information focused on fear and failure.

The end section of the book touches on new, upcoming technologies to look forward to, and concludes with a reminder that people take action when presented with possibility and opportunity. Humans thrive on community, collaboration, and cooperation, so if we work together to help one another, we will do our best.

Bottom line: Anyone with any environmental leanings should check this book out. It's great for skimming, and I would also want to try to incorporate it into my classroom somehow!
