A review by jamie_w
Bitter Sweet Heart by H. Hunting


4.5⭐️ - narration perfection and we just don’t get enough reverse age gaps. And especially ones with a strong and likable FMC. I will say that the only thing keeping this from being a 5 is the overreaction about the sauna.

I love that we get more angst and emotion in this series vs the Pucked series. They are both so good but also so different. I also love how we get to know all of the characters more in each book. We got to see more of Lavender and Kody - but also see them thru the eyes of other characters and how their relationship impacted everyone. I think it gives more depth to each book.

I truly loved the dynamic between Maverick and Clover. Their instant chemistry was amazing and didn’t feel forced. I thought their connection felt organic and so steamy. It was also very sex positive. Which I don’t think we see hardly at all in MF.

Clover was real and relatable. Of course she didn’t want to jeopardize her career by continuing anything with Maverick, especially as she was trying to get out of a horrible marriage. I thought that was also handled so well. We see how terrible her ex was and never felt like she was betraying her vows. That man simply refused to sign the papers. I did think she was way too harsh about the sauna incident but maybe that was part of her trust issues due to her ex. But she was a goner for Mav tho - rightful so. He respected her boundaries and also treated her so well. She never sacrificed herself for him which I really respected because so often we see the FMC throw everything away to be with the MMC. I also loved the way Clover handled Maverick’s mom - ooh it would’ve been easy to go off but she was assertive while also being respectful.

Maverick was such a complex character for someone so young. He truly was an old soul. He carried so much responsibility for others on his shoulders but did it silently. He was finally able to share his secret pain with Clover. We see him grow more and more with her positive influence. They did bring out the best in each other. I loved how he loved her. But they were also represented as equals even though they were 8 years apart. He valued Clover’s opinion and she never treated him as a child or talked down to him. Maverick loved with his whole being and felt things on such a deep level. The scene with his father toward the end broke my heart but was so necessary for them to heal.

Lastly, the sex in this book was perfection!! Altho, the constant reference to his dick being a third leg or the size of a beer can was ridiculous. Funny but ridiculous- especially in the car between Mav and his parents. I will say that if more authors could write that slow, lazy sex, I’d be super appreciative. That hits different!! It was very arousing. Oh and the way that Maverick wanted to prep Clover but also make sure she was comfortable and gloriously satisfied was what we all want!!