A review by ccoleman813
Home to Stay by Terri Osburn


A very cute traditional love story.

I received Home to Stay as one of my monthly gifts for being apart of Amazon Prime.

With secrets in her past that keep her on her toes, Willow is trying everything in her power not to get too attached to anyone in the small town of Anchor.

Before she realizes it, she has come to friend two best friends, Sid and Beth, and being the proud manager of the local bar and grill.

Sid's big brother, Randy, has a special eye on Willow, especially as of late.

Beth and Joe, who happens to be Randy's best friend, are getting married so Willow and Randy seem to find more and more reasons to run into each other.

I love traditional love stories. I get so hooked on paranormal and erotica and so distracted by them that I find I miss reading about every day love, about butterfly's in your stomach nerves, and silly excitement.

I was very sad that I realized about a quarter way through that this was a series book. Not that they needed to be read first to follow along, but I just wish this would have been labeled Book #3, and not just 'An Anchor Island Novel'. Now that I know the twists that happened in the previous books, I doubt I will actually go back to read them.

But I really did enjoy Home to Stay. A very cute story and very lovable characters.