A review by mercipourleslivres
Somewhere Between Bitter and Sweet by Laekan Zea Kemp


So I haven't posted what I've been reading in a while, mostly because I've been in a book slump. When that happens, I can usually pull myself up with my old standard, YA Contemporary, and boy did this one deliver. Could not put it down. The food descriptions were mouth-watering, and I loved the found family aspect. Alternating between our male and female lead, the chapters move the story along at a brisk pace. I could definitely find myself relating to Pen's struggles with depression and anxiety. The book wasn't perfect, I ended up giving it 4/5 stars because of how the villain was straight out of a telenovela, and everything wrapped up too tidily at the end. (I get wanting to have happy endings for everyone, but they aren't always realistic and if you get one they need to feel earned.) Still loved it. If you're looking for a diverse YA read, add this to your own voices shelf.