A review by the_novel_approach
Stone Cold Foxe by Haley Walsh


If you like fun little mysteries, with lovable characters, and haven’t started this series, I encourage you to give it a shot. Are some of the plotlines a little unrealistic? Yes. I mean, hello, a high school English teacher who manages to stumble upon and solve several murders over the course of seven books, taking place over one year span???? Definitely have to give probability some leeway. But I’ll be honest, you know those series/books that are your go-to books that have the perfect mix of fun and serious? Those ones that are like an old friend when you aren’t in the mood to try something new, or maybe are in a little reading slump and just need a comfort read? Those ones that take you to a happy place every time? I have very few of those, but The Skyler Foxe Mysteries is one of them, books or audio, it is one of those series that just puts me in a cheerful mood.

I couldn’t wait to see what would happen after the ending of book six, and Stone Cold Foxe literally picks up right where it left off. I’ll admit I was surprised by the first chapter. Getting insight to Keith and his feelings on that kind of level was definitely new, and I was glad for it. You can’t go through what Skyler and Keith have and not come away unaffected. It really started the tone for the book in the perfect way.

This book had a different pacing and focus than I am used to. It was a nice little change as we accompany Skyler on his emotional rollercoaster of wedding planning and realizing the leap he is taking. I laughed at his reality checks and dawning realizations on what changes would be made. In true Skyler fashion he has freak outs, would rather ask forgiveness than permission, and is mentally all over the place. Though his focus is more where it should be (on his fiancé and upcoming nuptials), this wouldn’t be a mystery if there wasn’t a… well—mystery. So have no fear; despite the focus being more on Skyler and his crazy wedding/honeymoon shenanigans, there is a nice little whodunnit thrown in for the SFC. Of course, they all get up to their antics and lucky for Skyler, the Scooby Gang has his back, even if it means following him to his honeymoon!

Do you want to know what makes this entire series for me? Well, I am gonna tell you; by far its the SFC. The books are more than just about Skyler. We have accompanied his whole crew as they have matured and found themselves and their own individual happiness. They each have such distinct personalities and add something to the dynamic of the group. Phillip, always trying to be the voice of reason and point out all the ways things can—and probably will—go wrong, but can never say no when it comes down to it. Jaime and his excitement and jubilance, often encouraging the crazy, and Skyler’s go-to when he wants someone he can count on. Rodolfo, with his always over-the-top reactions and dramatic personality, but with such a soft heart and supportive of Skyler in his shenanigans. Dave and his down-to-earth personality, often the logical one but willing to throw caution out the window and jump into the fire with both feet. Sidney and her mother-hen ways, calling Skyler on his BS but will turn around and take him drinking and dancing, or just be the shoulder he needs and the voice of reason when he needs it. And obviously Keith, poor endearing Keith, who loves Skyler for all he is and all his quirky qualities, who gets Skyler in a way no one else really does, who sees the true character of Skyler and his loyal personality. So, because I love all of the other characters, I have to admit I am really into the fact we are starting to get to experience different characters’ POVs, and getting a different voice and perspective, to see how those close to him truly feel, their affection and need to protect him.

Stone Cold Foxe is another exciting adventure for the SFC. With a great mix of quirky and fun, with a little mystery thrown in, I can’t wait for the next book to see what is in store for Skyler, Keith and the SFC.

Reviewed by Lindsey for The Novel Approach