A review by sandrareilly513
The Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley


Did not make me want to visit Paris. Ever.

Author Lucy Foley's Paris sounds mean! There's no "city of love" here... When Jess comes to Paris for a fresh start from a shady life spent near London, she's looking forward to crashing at her journalist half-brother Ben's swanky apartment. But when she arrives, he is nowhere to be found despite texting her hours earlier that he would be waiting up for her. When Ben doesn't appear the next day, Jess officially becomes worried. It doesn't help that the apartment building has very few other occupants, all of whom are definitely hiding something. As Jess explores the building and tries to track down her brother she falls into the secrets of everyone around her, including Ben. Jess isn't sure who she can trust, where to even start looking, what exactly happened to Ben, and who is involved.

Thoughts: Well, this one fell flat for me. I haven't had a chance to read Foley's [b:The Hunting Party|37642030|The Hunting Party|Lucy Foley|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1569862373l/37642030._SY75_.jpg|59229722] yet but I did enjoy [b:The Guest List|51933429|The Guest List|Lucy Foley|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1580194251l/51933429._SY75_.jpg|73094861]. Foley is known for her "slow burn" thrillers with unreliable characters, but this plot moved too slowly for me. Readers are hit in the face with suspense right from the first chapter, but then it slows down to a crawl for about two-thirds of the story. Once the last third picks up, there's almost too much story to tell in a short period of time. There's a lot going on in this plot that the ending feels rushed. And while there is an interesting story arc, it felt a bit short of its potential. There are some intriguing twists but are a bit predictable if you're paying attention. I liked that Jess wasn't perfect and could be seen as a relatable character, and there are some scandalous "goings-on" to keep things interesting as secondary characters reminisce, but overall I felt the plot was awkwardly paced and the ending rushed. This won't stop me from picking up Lucy Foley's next book, though!

**Thank you NetGalley and publisher for eARC in exchange for an honest review.**