A review by claudetteb
The Boyfriend by Thomas Perry


This could have been a really good book! As it is, it was a good fast read, but there were a few things that made me shake my head, not the least of which was the truly abrupt ending. Perry seems to have just gotten tired of writing and ended the book. Given that the bad guy had turned into someone completely different than what he was for the first 2/3 of the book, maybe that's a good thing. That, and the repetition makes me think that Perry had a great idea, just not quite fleshed out enough yet. I have to say that I hope Jack Till makes more appearances. I really liked him, his detective skills, and his private life. However, the book finished so abruptly, that we didn't really get a good sense of the work that went into this finale. The last 1/4 of the book was a big disappointment, hence only 3 stars.