A review by chemslady
Fallen Star by Susannah Nix


Grace is a script supervisor, who has to work with Scotty Deacon--Hollywood's  bad boy that hasn't been black listed for his behavior and addiction. Grace does everything she can to forget how gorgeous he is especially since she no longer dates actors; they are too egotistical and crave attention. Besides it hasn't been that long since Grace's two year relationship with an up-and-coming actor ended. He's the reason why Grace doesn't date actors. The film they are working on together is on location in New Orleans ...and she's neighbors with her new co-worker.

Scott has an innumerable  amount of self doubt. Can he act without drugs? Is he ready for this role? The first time he meets Grace, the things she says to the costume designer, Carmen encapsulates every doubt and fear Scott has. His first day on set doesn't help any of those fears either. He finds a friend in a very unlikely source. He wants more than friendship, she has friendzoned him even after all of his flirtations.

How can he convince Grace to take a chance on him when he's not sure about himself?