A review by literarylover37
The Color of our Sky by Amita Trasi


I received an advanced copy of this book from Bloomhill Publishing via Netgalley in exchange for a review.

This story alternates from the points of view of Mukta and Tara, two young girls from different backgrounds whose lives converge as children. The moment they diverge though is a scarring experience for both and Tara is forever haunted by her hand in it. Years later, after the death of her father, Tara returns to her former home in India to find her long lost friend and to seek redemption.

This is a beautifully written debut book. It is incredibly moving, even more so because it based on fact and the terrible things experience by Mukta as a child and adult are still happening daily to many other young girls. The hope that is woven throughout this story though is wonderful and keeps the tale from becoming too bleak. Each of the characters is able to redefine themselves and create a future out of a dark past. If you are looking for a story where you might need some tissues, this is it!