A review by wrentheblurry
The Light of the Fireflies by Paul Pen


The main premise for this title echoes the one for [b: Room|7937843|Room|Emma Donoghue|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1344265419s/7937843.jpg|9585076], namely that family members must live underground in a basement and pretend it's a normal thing. Instead of a mother and her son, it's parents and their three kids plus a grandma. A couple of other characters come into play later, but mostly story revolves around the youngest son's point of view and how he sees the family dynamic.

Things creep along a bit the first half of the book; mostly we learn about the characters and how dysfunctional the family is. At the 50% mark, we finally begin to discover why the family lives in the basement. Things get pretty whacked at this point, but the pace is sped up, and my interest increased in a desire to find out what was going to happen.

The ending was not to my liking, and I rolled my eyes and curled my lips more than once. Had the momentum continued, it would have been 3.5 stars.