A review by gabiirayner
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde


okay I have incredibly mixed feelings about this and I don't think I could coherently write them in prose so I'm going to bullet point please forgive me:

• this is such a roller coaster in terms of pacing and level of interest (up, DOWN, up)
• I am absolutely far too unintelligent to appreciate the philosophical and poetic aspects to both Wilde's style and content
• the entire premise is so good and the final ending is NEAT
• I wish there had been a little more depth with regard to Basil's character
• this could've been so much shorter, it felt like there was so much unnecessary exposition and so many throwaway characters who I felt served no real purpose? but maybe I need to research it more
• I am left thoroughly intrigued as to how good the movie adaptation with ben barnes (loml) is