A review by njlanzetta
Soil by Colin F. Barnes


I'm being generous with the three star review because I really wanted to give it two but I guess I'm being nice. I really enjoyed Salt but this just felt like a completely different book to me. To start, I read Salt a year ago, and Soil did not give us any background or anything as a refresher as to what had happened previously so it was like going in blind. It definitely impacted how I read and felt about this one. I felt like the writing got worse in this and I noticed several mistakes throughout. The plot just didn't make sense at times and was trying to be way too cliche. There was not too much in this that was believable. A huge thing that bothered me was that the author gave Eva a different love interest in both books and it was not natural. It was as if the author decided after writing the first book that he'd rather place her with a different character and just changed it. I liked the surviving on a flotilla in a post apocalyptic world story that the first novel told, but this didn't have any of it. I just couldn't care about the science, politics, or conspiracies that this novel was about. I wanted to like this sequel but I just didn't even though it did keep my interest for the most part.