A review by lezreadalot
The Brutal Truth by Lee Winter


“It will only enhance the fear people have of me. People do enjoy a good villain. I accomplish more when people fear me.”

“But I know the truth.”

This was soooooooooooooooo freaking good, in so many ways. One of those romance books where like, the chemistry is PALPABLE, and it's a great slow ride from enemies to sort of friends to more. The story took its time getting to where it was going, and not a single segment was rushed. I have a few issues with believability and writing, but in general, Winter took us into a fascinating world with awesome characters. I'm not super interested in fashion and the like, but the plot was very engaging. I really liked Elena and Maddie but honestly? Maddie was the freaking best. So much gumption, and sweetness, and quirkiness, and as intimidated as Elena often made her feel, Maddie still didn't let her get away with her shit. Every time I thought Maddie might back down, in a place where any other book might have let the more dominant character win the day, Maddie stuck to her guns, and I loved that about her, and I loved that ELENA loved that about her.

Some things I especially loved:
Spoiler- When Elena apologised after firing her the second time, in the wake of the harassment debacle, Maddie stepped the fuck up, and demanded that she do a better damn job of saying sorry, and not making it about her. Elena was of course hurting, but I totally agreed with Maddie when she said, "Elena, you're not the victim in my firing." And Elena's apology after that did seem more sincere. It felt so good to see Maddie get some appreciation lol.
- I hated how Elena kept insisting that Maddie wasn't cut out to be a journalist, because she had 'too much empathy' or w/e. Even when she couched it as a compliment, saying that she was instead a 'storyteller', it was still super frustrating. Not because I think Maddie needs to be a journalist, but Elena kept insisting that complete objectivity is key, and Maddie has too many emotions to be a news reporter. And I don't think that's true! I don't think that having a conscience and a soft heart is a bad thing for a reporter; very much the opposite. Complete objectivity is impossible! I was afraid the book would try to prove Elena right, but it didn't, thank god. And she ended up respecting Maddie's choice. I just am really appreciative that the author didn't try to make Elena always right/infallible, no matter how domineering she was.
- I really loved Maddie's little blog posts in New York. Really insightful, sometime hamfisted, but always enjoyable. I kinda wish they had continued all throughout the book.
- The thawing of Elena's ice-queen exterior took longer than I'd have liked, but it was well worth it in the end. I love how it was shown through little actions and gestures. That moment at the gala when she kept touching Maddie's back... omg. Again, I have to say, their chemistry was so good.
- Their first kiss? That sex scene?