A review by thebookishnarwhal
The Lonely Hearts Trivia Night by Lauren Farnsworth


This debut novel, “The Lonely Hearts Trivia Night” by Lauren Farnsworth, invites readers into a delightful world where friendship blossoms over obscure facts and shared laughter. Set against the backdrop of bustling London, this heartwarming tale introduces us to five strangers who find themselves united by chance and circumstance.

Meet Bryony, Harry, Jaime, Luke, and Donna. Each is grappling with their own loneliness when they stumble upon an ad seeking members for a bar trivia team. The Red Hot Quizzy Peppers, as they dub themselves, embark on a journey that transcends mere quizzing. Their quest for camaraderie leads them to unexpected places, revealing hidden talents, vulnerabilities, and the magic of human connection.

This read is a delightful blend of wit, charm, and poignant moments. Want to know why I thought it deserved a resounding five stars? Ok, then first we have to talk about depth of character.

Farnsworth masterfully crafted characters who leap off the page. Bryony, the quirky librarian with a penchant for historical trivia; Harry, the retired accountant nursing a broken heart; Jaime, the enigmatic artist with a secret; Luke, the introverted IT specialist; and Donna, the free-spirited bartender; they all come alive with distinct voices and relatable struggles. Their quirks and vulnerabilities make them endearing, and you'll find yourself rooting for their happiness.

The trivia nights serve as more than a backdrop; they become a metaphor for life's uncertainties. As the team tackles questions like "How did prosecco get its name?" and "Which Mariah Carey song conquered twenty-six countries?"—they inadvertently unravel their own mysteries. The pursuit of knowledge becomes a bridge to understanding, and the camaraderie forged during these nights is heartwarming.

Farnsworth doesn't shy away from portraying mental health struggles. Each character battles their demons—whether it's anxiety, depression, or self-doubt. The author handles these themes with sensitivity, weaving them seamlessly into the narrative. The friendships that emerge become lifelines, proving that sometimes, healing lies in unexpected connections.

Forget grand gestures and clichéd declarations. The romance in this novel is subtle, authentic, and grounded in reality. It's about shared glances, hesitant confessions, and the warmth of companionship. The chemistry between characters develops organically, leaving you with a contented sigh.

The city pulsates through every page, from the bustling pubs, to the rain-soaked streets, and the Tube rides. Farnsworth captures London's essence, making it more than a setting as it becomes a silent participant in the characters' lives.

Beneath the trivia banter lies a profound exploration of identity, purpose, and the courage to forge new paths. The novel nudges us to look beyond the surface, to see the lonely hearts behind the answers.

This book is a gem. Farnsworth's writing is like a soothing cup of tea on a rainy day: comforting, familiar, and utterly satisfying. Whether you're a trivia enthusiast or simply seeking a heartwarming read, this novel won't disappoint.

Grab a seat at the Red Hot Quizzy Peppers' table, sip your drink, and prepare to fall in love with trivia, London, and with the lonely hearts who find solace in each other's company.

Thank you to NetGalley and Alcove Press for a temporary e-ARC in exchange for my honest review.