A review by guarinous
The Horrors of Fox Hollow Farm: Unraveling the History & Hauntings of a Serial Killer's Home by Robert Graves, Richard Estep


Herb Baumeister was a (suspected) serial killer in the 80s and early 90s whose crime spree centered around the luring of gay men out of bars and strangling them. While he fled to Ontario and committed suicide before any sort of trial, he is linked to at least 11 murders due to human remains found spread in the woods around his home, Fox Hollow Farm. As the site of such a multitude of grisly murders, Fox Hollow Farm has naturally become a lightning rod for reports of supernatural happenings, which Richard Estep tackles in this book.

Admittedly, when I requested this book I did so expecting it to be a bit heavier on the True Crime aspect of the story. While the beginning third of the book does give some detail about Baumeister's life and (suspected) deeds, it does not go nearly into the depth that I normally like to see in true crime (details on victims, an in depth snapshot of Baumeister and his family life, police reports, etc). This is especially disappointing throughout the entire back two-thirds of the book, which reads like an episode of Ghost Hunters committed to print, with EVPs, thermal imaging, shadowy figures, a medium, and even Elementals given in depth coverage as Estep and his team attempt to chronicle any paranormal activity in the house and on its grounds.

It has to be said that I'm a skeptic at heart, which tends to hinder my enjoyment of any sort of treatment of the paranormal like this. I persevered, and while reading it with a grain of salt, the back half is a fun read. I'd definitely recommend this more for people with interest in the paranormal than I would for fans of true crime.

**I was given a copy of this book by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. My thanks to Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd..**