A review by pattyfgd
Four Weddings and a Swamp Boat Tour by Erin Nicholas


Four Weddings and a Swamp Boat Tour
Boys of the Bayou Book 6
by Erin Nicholas
Narrated by Alan Carlson & Lili Valente

Friends with benefits? Paige has come to the bayou to help Tori with her wedding. Mitch Landry is just a plus for her while she is there. Making it clear to Mitch after she has been proposed to 5 times she is not interested in a relationship, the two begin their extracurricular friendship. Mitch definitely wants more, but shies away from anything too serious so as not to spook Paige away. Now immersed in not only helping Tori, but planning 3 of the Landry weddings, Paige is doing her best not to fall. But will she be able to keep her heart safe? What will Mitch do to keep her? And what if he can't and she goes back home? Time will tell! This is a great ending to this series! Erin Nicholas keeps the laughs coming, and love flowing! The Landrys and their signiicant others are present in full force, creating all the family drama and craziness we love. Paige and Mitch are a perfect addition to the family menagie and the lead into the next series has me excited to see if it will be coming on audio!

Alan Carlson and Lili Valente finish out the series with a fabulous narration. Carlson is high on my favorites list, his voice having that warm, sensual quality that draws me in. Valente's talent is endless. I love that she narrates and I think her wriitng gives her insight to how a character sounds because every one I hear her do is perfection. Together these two bring the series to a fabulous close.