A review by readwithkapz
Half a World Away by Mike Gayle


‘Half A World Away’ by Mike Gayle

Book review:

Firstly, I’d like to thank @bookishhbabe_ for recommending ‘Half A World Away’.
I recently read ‘Lonely People’ by Mike Gayle, which I really enjoyed.

‘Half A World Away’ centres around the POVs of two people:

Firstly, Kerry Hayes, a single mother living in South London who works as a cleaner.

And secondly, Noah Martineau (Formerly known as James Hayes, who lives in Primrose Hill, has a wife, a daughter and works as a Criminal Barrister.

Mike Gayle. You’ve done it again.

The two main characters are actually related. Both characters are siblings who were separated when they were young: With Noah being adopted by a middle class white family and Kerry being placed into foster care.

Throughout the book, we are privy to Kerry’s attempts to reconnect with her younger brother Noah through a series of letters she sends as the years pass.

Honestly, this book is outstanding. The way Mike Gayle writes each chapter, going back and forth from the perspectives of Kerry and Noah is one thing.

But the way the ending of each chapter succinctly hooks you in and grips you. And I mean GRIPS YOUUUU.

One thing I really want to commend Mike Gayle for is the way he provides us with insights into the internal monologues of Kerry and Noah, allowing us to understand how each character feels, their thought processes and their struggles in opening up about their personal lives to the people around them.

One a side note, I hated Noah’s wife. In my opinion, she is very selfish and lacks any sense of empathy. Useless cow.

Mini rant aside, Mike Gayle has written a masterpiece of book here. If you enjoy contemporary fiction, I would highly recommend reading this and also ‘Lonely People’.