A review by ambeesbookishpages
Harmony House by Nic Sheff


The full review could be found at THE BOOK BRATZ!

To be honest, I am surprised I read this book from cover to cover. I think I had some faint hope that is was going to get better. (Spoiler Alert: It didn't)

My biggest problem with this book was the protagonist, Jen. She is rude, nasty, and beyond disrespectful. Being raised by an extremely religious father you would expect her to be a decent human being. She isn't. She continually complained about her father, calling him a wide variety of horrible names. I understand that she upset that he made her move and she was upset that her mother died. But I didn't find that enough of an excuse for her behavior. I also found Jen to be very insensitive to those around her.

For the first 50% of the book nothing interesting happened. I was expecting a horror story, but this wasn't scary. After a while it was just annoying because I knew it wasn't going to get better. But I still continued to read, because I try to believe the best in every book I read and figured that *MAYBE* it would get better. I also wanted my questions answered, and I finished Harmony House with more questions and almost no answers.

Like I said, I was surprised I finished this book considering I DNF books if I dislike them enough, and I couldn't tell you one thing I liked about Harmony House. I wouldn't recommend this one, to be honest.

*Thank you HarperTeen and Edelweiss for and eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!*