A review by adventureinlit
Hasib & the Queen of Serpents: A Thousand and One Nights Tale by David B.


Title: Hasib & the Queen of Serpents

Author: David B.

Publisher: NBM Publishing

Release: June, 2018

I was given the lovely opportunity to review this upcoming graphic novel being released in June.

At first, I was attracted to it because of the cover. Usually a story about serpents entails an engrossing adventure about choices we are faced with and outcomes from those choices.

This graphical retelling of characters, such as King Solomon, demonstrates the depth behind ancient folklore. Hasib was born into a role he grew up never fulfilling. Finding himself trapped in a well after his "friends" tricked him into it, he meets the serpent queen and she shares her story with him.

I wont give away what happens to him, but I will say that he fulfills his destiny. David B. writes and illustates defining moral choices that humanity faces and struggles to overcome.

Although it is short (about 100 pages), and easy to read, it is about the message behind the story that we must all grab onto and learn from. For ourselves, for others, and for those we haven't met yet.

The illustrations are fantastically beautiful and remind me of ancient drawings or murals found in long lost books.

Well drawn and written, I highly recommend this novel if you're interested in expanding into graphical novels or even if you're a fan of them already!